
Notice of QFNC Annual General Meeting

Fri, 13 Nov 2020
from 6:00pm to 6:30pm

by Ian Knuckey
Posted: almost 4 years ago
Updated: almost 4 years ago by Ian Knuckey
Visible to: public

Time zone: Australia/Melbourne
Reminder: 6 hours before
Ends: 06:30pm (duration is 30 minutes)

The annual general meeting of the Queenscliff Football Netball Club Incorporated will be held on Friday 13th November 2020 at 6.00 pm remotely via Zoom.

N.B Members need to register for the meeting by email to by 9.00 AM on 13th November 2020. You will then be emailed the Zoom link to access the meeting.

Business to be conducted:
a. Confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 18 October 2019.
b. Receive and consider the 2020 Annual Report.
c. Receive and consider the financial statements of the Club for the year ended 30 September 2020.
d. To elect the members of the Committee for the 2020 – 21 year.
e. To confirm or vary the amounts of the annual subscription.
f. To consider any other business for which notice has been given in accordance with the Club Rules.

Only financial members of the Club over the age of 18 years in attendance (or holding a valid proxy under the Rules of the Club) are eligible to vote on any item of business.


• In accordance with the Club’s Rules, nominations are called for the following Committee positions:
i. President
ii. Vice President
iii. Secretary
iv. Treasurer
v. Ordinary Committee members, as determined by the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
• Members of the Club may nominate him or herself OR with the member’s consent be nominated by another member.
• Nominations prior to the AGM are encouraged. Members wishing to nominate for a position prior to the AGM are able to do so by notice to the Club Secretary via PO Box 88, Queenscliff 3225 or email to


Zoom meeting. Either RSVP to this notice or send notification to by 9.00 AM on 13th November 2020.


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