Introducing our new Couta's website

2 Dec 2021 by Ian Knuckey

Our new website provides a single location for all of our club information. Team details, club merchandise, memberships, social calendar, volunteer support and the latest news & social posts. Over the coming weeks more detail will be added as we progress to the start of the season. The website will also link to our club social media feeds so you won’t miss a post. We hope all our members, both young and old, find it easy to navigate and full of useful information. It is a work in progress so we welcome your feedback to make sure it serves the needs of players, parents, volunteers and supporters.

There have been a few people behind this initiative, however special praise and thanks goes to Kylie Crane. She has volunteered an enormous amount of the time to get this project off the ground for the benefit of all club members and supporters. Thanks Kylie!

Get on line and check it out – and let us know what you think.

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