COVID-19 Return to Play

27 Jul 2021 by Ian Knuckey

Hello Everyone,
The Victorian Government has revised the lockdown laws and with effect midnight tonight we will be able to return to training and play from Wednesday albeit with some restrictions detailed in the attached media statement.

Adjustments have been made to the fixture as a consequence of the weeks missed during lockdown. The key adjustment is that Senior Football and our Netballers will play at Modewarre this weekend to balance the number of home games played.

Under 19 football may have some fixture adjustments so just check the AFL Barwon website in the coming days.

All junior football competitions will recommence playing in line with the current fixtures.

Other key points to note please:
No crowds will be permitted for the next two rounds of senior and junior sport.
Only those people necessary for the conduct of the matches can attend eg coaches, trainers, other officials – Strictly no spectators.
Parents and guardians of junior players can attend but must observe all health protocols.
Masks must be worn at all times (indoors and outdoors) other than players or when drinking or eating.
Signing in to QR codes is required.
Only players and officials will be allowed in changerooms.
On a positive note, restrictions will still allow our Thursday Night meals to recommence from this Thursday for the next two weeks. Mask rules, density limits and QR Codes will apply.

Following the rules and respecting those volunteers with Covid-19 Marshall responsibilities is important. Doing this will ensure that we remain safe, finish the home and away season well and give our teams, who will play finals, the best chance of success.

In the coming week the club will provide more information about dates and times for presentation nights and other events as we approach the end of the season.

Finally, despite the disrupted season, let’s finish off the season well and represent the very best of our club. Everyone in the club has done a great job to weather this storm and in particular, all the coaching and team staff have done a brilliant job in a difficult season. They have remained dedicated to the task and kept people motivated and engaged. Let’s recognise their efforts by getting healthy numbers on the training track and plenty of numbers on match day for the final couple of weeks.
