Lighten Up?

22 Jul 2021 by Ian Knuckey

Our friends at Drysdale Hawks Football Club have put the call out to local clubs to run with their wonderful initiative to light up the community after dark – and we are more than happy to take part.

From tonight at 5.30pm until 7.30pm and running every weeknight during lockdown we will be turning the oval lights on our footy ground and also our netball courts.

For those within the local radius please feel free to use our community oval and courts for your allocated exercise; walk the dog, kick a footy, throw a netball or just get out of the house.

Health and safety guidelines should still be followed relating to exercising in groups, mask wearing and social distancing and other health protocols.

Another week without sport is not what anyone wanted but as a small community we will continue to look out for and support each other where we can.



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